
星座花 108 0




山村老屋建于数十年前,它见证了山村一段段流传百世之久的风云变幻。在过去的岁月里,这座老屋曾是村中的杰出家族居所。老屋的主人因种种原因陨落,让人扼腕叹息。从那时起,老屋便失去了昔日的光彩,渐渐沦为被人遗忘的存在。 这座老屋蕴含着太多的秘密。村民们讲述着关于老屋的古老传说,他们说,老屋中寄居着一位神秘的小人,他用诅咒折磨着进入老屋的人们。


有一年春天,村中一户年轻人携妻子前来老屋观光。他们听闻传说,觉得兴味索然,于是前往老屋一探究竟。当他们进入老屋的瞬间,一层神秘氛围笼罩住了整个空间。 不久后,年轻人的妻子开始频繁感到身体不适,夜晚更是被一连串可怕的噩梦所困扰。她的容颜逐渐苍白,眼中充满了恐惧之色。村中的人们不禁害怕起来,猜测是小人的诅咒作祟。


小人似乎对老屋有着强烈的精神感应能力,他能够识别出进入老屋的人的心思。有人说,小人能够看透人心,看到那些欲望和犹豫,然后运用他的黑魔法进行压制和诅咒。 据说,小人的影响力不仅限于在老屋中,更可延伸至整个山村。进入老屋的人们,往往会在之后的日子里屡次遭遇不幸,生活陷入困境。这些传说是否属实,还有待考究。


在村民们对老屋的诅咒和小人的恐惧中,有一户人家却采取了超乎寻常的解脱方式。他们并不畏惧传说中的小人,反而对其抱有好奇心。这户人家前往老屋后,全家人合力祭拜这位传说中的小人,希望求得宽恕和平静。 让人始料未及的是,这户人家在离开老屋后并未遭遇不幸,相反,他们逐渐摆脱了过去的困境,生活更加幸福。这个令人费解的情况引起了村民们的深思,他们开始重新审视传说,思考是否只有诅咒和恐惧,而没有人性的强大和善意的力量。




The Haunting of the Old House in the Mountains

Deep in the heart of the mountains, there sits an old, dilapidated house. Its weathered walls and creaky floors tell stories of a long-forgotten era. The locals say that this house is haunted, that eerie sounds echo through its halls and ghostly figures roam its rooms in the dead of night.


Legend has it that the house was once home to a reclusive old man who practiced dark arts. As the villagers feared him, they avoided the house, giving it an air of mystery. Over time, tales of strange happenings began to circulate.

One moonlit night, a young couple dared to venture into the house, seeking adventure. They tiptoed through the overgrown garden, their hearts pounding with a mix of fear and excitement. As they stepped inside, an icy chill engulfed them.

The silence was broken by an eerie whispering voice that seemed to come from nowhere. The couple exchanged nervous glances, their hairs standing on end. Shadows danced on the walls, and the flickering candlelight revealed fleeting glimpses of ghostly apparitions.

Whispers turned into cries, cries into sinister laughter. The couple's bravery soon turned into sheer terror. They stumbled over debris, desperate to flee the haunted house. But as they reached the door, it slammed shut with a forceful bang, trapping them inside.

In their panic, the couple stumbled upon a hidden room. Its walls were adorned with ancient symbols, and a peculiar energy filled the air. They realized that their only hope of escape lay within those symbols.

With trembling hands, they copied the symbols onto a piece of paper and recited an incantation they found inscribed nearby. Suddenly, the house shook violently, and the trapped couple found themselves transported back to the safety of the outside world.

Gasping for breath, they glanced back at the old house. It now stood in silence, as if the evil it once held had been banished forever. From that moment onward, the house remained empty, its haunted reputation lingering in the minds of those who dared to approach.

The haunting of the old house in the mountains became a cautionary tale, a legend whispered around campfires. It serves as a reminder to tread carefully, for not all beauty in this world carries a benevolent heart.

